Will it be a good idea to play Satta Matka in India?

Satta Matka market

Satta Matka
 or Matka gambling is actually a game of chance where no skill will be required at all. The Constitution of India has deemed all types of games as illegal in case they involve staking material things and money. Despite the fact that gambling is actually a state subject in India, no union territory or state in India has legalized Matka yet. This is also applicable to the state of Maharashtra where Satta Matka was first started. This is also applicable in Sikkim, Goa, and Daman where it is perfectly legal to participate in gambling.

How was Matka banned in India?

It was in the Indian state of Maharashtra where the idea of Matka gambling was first started at the time of the pre-independence era. At that time, there was an exchange of the prices of cotton using teleprinters between the New York Cotton Exchange and the Bombay Cotton Exchange. It was perfectly legal to bet on the opening and closing rates of cotton.

However, this practice was somewhat broken following the independence of India and individuals began to bet on the closing and opening rates of virtually any product even though it might be imaginary. Soon the Matka dealers started revolting in the state because of this. The government had to step in since things started to go out of control.

During that time, the 1867 Public Gambling Act regulations were imposed which outlawed the operation and visiting of any public gambling house. Ultimately, this kind of activity was completely banned in India since Matka gambling appeared to fulfill all the criteria mentioned in this particular act.

Why the ban has not been lifted yet?

Surprisingly, Satta Matka is still illegal in the country after so many years. There are various social-political causes why the ban has not been lifted yet, and the majority of them happen to be debatable. The most important causes have been mentioned below.

  • Satta Matka gambling is viewed by the government as a political issue in general, which can be exploited very easily. In case the ban would have been lifted, it would be criticized as an incompetent decision since it would mean generating revenues from the hard-earned money of the individuals without paying them anything in return.
  • It is believed that gambling on the Satta Matka Market can be a real threat to the social structure of the country which can result in addictions and the collapse of households, thus affecting the happiness of the residents of India, as well as other adjoining countries. The children and the women will be the most significant sufferers of the consequences of domestic violence and abuse.
  • Apart from violating the morality of the Indian people, this kind of gambling might also result in the rise of financial offenses and money laundering problems. In such a hugely populated country like India, it is quite tough to establish a proper structure for controlling these types of gambling activities and also minimize the crime which might take place as a result.

What is the affirmation of the Public Gambling Act regarding Matka gambling?

The Public Gambling Act, which was passed in the year 1867 is of the notion that any gambling activity, including Satta Matka, is illegal. It prevents the operation, visiting, or even being in charge of any public gambling house including a Matka den to be illegitimate which is not endorsed by the state or federal government.

The public gambling house might be any walled enclosure, house, an open space, or makeshift room in India that is utilized for storing and using playing cards, tables, dice, as well as other gaming instruments for providing commercial profits to the owner.

It is a criminal offense to own, occupy, visit, or be in charge of such types of gambling houses at present. It is also a crime to accept the offer of any bet in the form of material things, or money in the long run.

Interestingly, this act has not mentioned any terms such as web, Internet, or online. Moreover, even after such a long time, no amendment has been made to it as well. Put simply, this act is not strongly applicable in terms of online gambling.

The presence of such a loophole allows the Matka dealers to offer the game online. Nevertheless, in case any resident of India sets up any online gambling site, it will be considered to be a public gambling house and this will be banned eventually since individuals will be accepting bets by means of it.

As a result, the majority of the regional Matka bookies which you find online are not legal. On the contrary, the foreign sites that are offering Matka games will not be considered by this act since they have a different location other than India. It will not be possible for the act to define them as a public gambling house and ban them as a result.


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